Saturday, November 9, 2019


A statement temporarily accepted as true : Barr and Scates define as, “A hypothesis is a statement temporarily accepted as true in the light of what is, at the time, known about a phenomena, and it is employed as a basis for action in the search for new truth, when the hypothesis is fully established, it may take the form of facts, principles and theories.” Hypothesis A testable proposition or assumption. George, J. Mouly defines that, “Hypothesis is an assumption or proposition whose testability is to be tested on the basis of the computability of its implications with empirical evidence with previous knowledge.” Hypothesis Tentative relationship of two or more variables either normative or casual: “A hypothesis is defined as a statement for the tentative relationship of two or more variables. The relationship of the variables may either be normative or causal relationship. It should be based on some rationale.” ASSUMPTION, POSTULATE AND HYPOTHESIS The terms assumption. postulate and hypothesis occur most frequently in the research literature, but are often confused by research scholars. Hence these terms need clear explanation. (a) Assumption: Assumption means taking things for granted so that the situation is simplified for logical procedure. Assumptions are not the very ground of our activity as the postulates are. They merely facilitate the progress of an agreement a partial simplification by introducing restrictive conditions. For example, the formulas of Statistics and measurement are based on number of assumptions. Assumption means restrictive conditions before the argument can become valid. Assumptions are made on the basis of logical insight and their truthfulness can be observed on the basis of data or evidences. The postulates are the basis and form the original point of an argument whereas assumptions are a matter of choice and less use, we make them more free will and our argument be a general proposition or convention. (b) Postulate: Postulates are the working beliefs of most scientific activity. The mathematician begins by postulating a system of numbers which range from 0 to 9 and can permute and combine only thereafter. Similarly ‘Hull’s Theory of Reinforcement’s is based on eight postulates of behaviour of an organism. With many people God and Spirit is a postulate of the good life or godly life. Postulates are not proven; they are simply accepted at their face value so that their basic work for the discovery of other facts of nature can begin. (c) Hypothesis: A hypothesis is different from both of these. It is the presumptive statement of a proposition which the investigator seeks to prove. It is a condensed generalization. This generalization requires a knowledge of principles of things or essential characteristics which pertain to entire class of phenomena. The theory when stated as a testable proposition formally and clearly and subjected to empirical or experimental verification is known as hypothesis. The hypothesis furnishes the germinal basis of the whole investigation and remains to test it out by facts. The hypothesis is based on some earlier theory and some rationale whereas postulates are taken as granted true. An assumption is the assumed solution of a major problem. It may be partially true. The scientific research process is based on some hypotheses. The nature sciences and mathematics are based on postulates. The statistic is based on some assumptions which are considered approximate science. The assumptions are helpful in conducting a research work in behavioural sciences. OBSERVATION VERSUS SPECIFIC LAND GENERAL HYPOTHESIS Hypotheses are often confused with observation. These terms refer to quite different things. An observation refers to what is….that is to what is seen. From observation researcher may infer. For example a researcher may go into a school and after looking around. Observe that most of the students are back. From that observation he may infer that the school is located in a poor neighbourhood. Though the researcher does not know that the neighbourhood is poor, he expects that the majority of people living there are poor. Then he has formulated a specific hypothesis setting forth an anticipated relationship between two variables like race and income level. For the test of this hypothesis researcher could walk around the neighbourhood, observes the home and the income levels. After observation he provides support for this specific hypothesis for this researcher might make a general hypothesis. The second hypothesis represents a generalization and must be tested by making observation as was the specific hypothesis. Since it would be impossible to observe all universe or population, thus, the researches will take a sample and reach conclusion on a probability basis for the verification of hypothesis being true or not. There is some difference between specific and general hypothesis. Specific hypothesis requires fewer observations for testing than the general hypothesis. For testing purpose a general hypothesis is reformulated to a more specific one. NATURE OF HYPOTHESIS The following are the main features of a hypothesis: 1. It is conceptual in nature. Some kind of conceptual elements in the framework are involved in a hypothesis. 2. It is a verbal statement in a declarative form. It is a verbal expression of ideas and concepts, it is not merely idea but in the verbal form, the idea is ready enough for empirical verification. 3. It has the empirical referent. A hypothesis contains some empirical referent. It indicates the tentative relationship between two or more variables. 4. It has a forward or future reference. A hypothesis is future oriented. It relates to the future verification not the past facts and informations. 5. It is the pivot of a scientific research. All the research activities are designed for its verification. The nature of hypothesis can be well understood by differentiating it with other terms like assumption and postulate. FUNCTIONS OF HYPOTHESIS The following are the main functions of hypothesis in the research process suggested by H.H. Mc. Ashan : 1. It is a temporary solution of a problem concerning with some truth which enables an investigator to start his research work. 2. It offers a basis in establishing the specifics what to study for and may provide possible solutions to the problem. 3. Each hypothesis may lead to formulate another hypothesis. 4. A preliminary hypothesis may take the shape of final hypothesis. 5. Each hypothesis provides the investigator with definite statement which may be objectively tested and accepted or rejected and leads for interpreting results and drawing conclusions that is related to original purpose. The functions of a hypothesis may be condensed into three. The following are the threefold functions of a hypothesis: (a) To delimit the field of the investigation. (b) To sensitize the researcher so that he should work selectively, and have very realistic approach to the problem. (c) To offer the simple means for collecting evidences to the verification. IMPORTANCE OF A HYPOTHESIS 1. Hypothesis as the Investigator’s “Eyes”: Carter V. Good thinks that by guiding the investigator in further investigation it serves as the investigator’s “Eyes” in seeking answers to tentatively adopted generalization. 2. It Focuses Research: Without it, research is unfocussed research and remains like a random empirical wandering. It serves as necessary link between theory and the investigation. 3. It Places Clear and Specific Goals: A well thought out set of hypothesis is that they place clear and specific goals before the research worker and provide him with a basis for selecting sample and research procedure to meet these goals. 4. It Links Together: “It serves the important function of linking together related facts and information and organizing them into wholes.” – Good Barr and Scates 5. It Prevents Blind Research: “The use of hypothesis prevents a blind search and indiscriminate gathering of masses of data which may later prove irrelevant to the problem under study.” – P. V. Young 6. As a Sort of Guiding Light: A hypothesis serves as a powerful beacon that lights the way for the research work. George J. Mouley thinks that Hypotheses serve the following purposes: 1. They provide direction to research and prevent the review of irrelevant literature and the collection of useful or excess data. 2. They sensitize the investigator certain aspects of situation which are irrelevant from the standpoint of the problem at hand. 3. They enable the investigator to understand with greater clarity his problem and its ramification. 4. They serve as a framework for the conclusive-in short a good hypothesis: (a) Gives help in deciding the direction in which he has to proceed. (b) It helps in selecting pertinent fact. (c) It helps in drawing conclusions. D.B. Van Dalen advocates the Importance of Hypothesis in the following ways: 1. Hypotheses are indispensable research instrument, for they build a bridge between the problem and the location of empirical evidence that may solve the problem. 2. A hypothesis provides the map that guides and expedites the exploration of the phenomena under consideration. 3. A hypothesis pin points the problem. The investigator can examine thoroughly the factual and conceptual elements that appear to be related to a problem. 4. Using hypothesis determines the relevancy of facts. A hypothesis directs the researcher’s efforts into a productive channels. 5. The hypothesis indicates not only what to look for is an investigation but how to obtain data. It helps in deciding research design. It may suggest what subjects, tests, tools, and techniques are needed. 6. The hypothesis provides the investigator with the most efficient instrument for exploring and explaining the unknown facts. 7. A hypothesis provides the framework for drawing conclusions. 8. These hypotheses simulate the investigator for further research studies. Bruce W. Tuckman presents the importance of Hypothesis in the Research Spectrum : Research begins with a problem and utilization of both theories and findings in arriving at hypothesis. These hypotheses contain variables which must be labelled and then operationally defined to construct predictions. These steps might be considered the logical stages of the research. These stages are followed by methodological stages, which culminate in the development of research design and development of measures and finally in the finding themselves.

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