Sunday, November 3, 2019


WOMAN EMPOWERMENT BASELINE SURVEY PROPOSED METHODOLOGY In the Technical Proposal for Consultancy Services for Women empowerment in Kenya Baseline Survey ,I present a typical approach, methodology and work plan we normally use in Baseline Survey assignments, we present our proposed Approach, Technical Methodology and Work Plan for this in this assignment. These are presented in the following sequence: i. Our Approach ii. Proposed Methodology iii. Work Plan We shall use a participatory, collaborative and all inclusive approach to undertake the proposed consultancy Services for Women empowerment research project. This approach is part of our training and capacity building program to ensure that internal capacity in Baseline and the sustainability of the implementation of our recommendations as well as greater acceptability of the results of the baseline survey exercise. Advantages of Participatory & Collaborative Approach The proposed participatory and collaborative approach has the following advantages: 1.Training & Capacity building A participatory collaboration and all-inclusive approach has an inbuilt ability to transfer knowledge to the client and build thier capacity to undertake future impact assessment survey when they become necessary. Furthermore, all the tools and instruments manuals (questionnaires and training manuals), which are jointly developed with the client, shall remain in the custody and ownership of the client. 2.In this approach the Assignment shall benefit from the talents, energies and creative wisdom of the client and their staff 3.The Approach ensures greater client and staff ownership of the Baseline Survey and final products or deliverables. 4.It leads to more realistic results, which will help to logically and rationally solve some of the Implementation challenges currently faced by the client Desk/documents Review The overall objective of this task is to get an in-depth understanding of the project. The literature review will enable the consultant understand all the survey components and its implementation logical frame work. At this stage, the information gaps will be identified and addressed jointly with the client 1. An Inception Report acceptable to the client 2. Clearly identified information gaps and 3. Draft Baseline Survey Instrument(s) Development of Data Collection Tool After a comprehensive desk/documents review, the consultants shall prepare and pre-test survey instrument/questionnaire to be used for gathering relevant survey data. This will be developed to facilitate capturing of all the details of project interventions. The Draft standard questionnaire shall be presented to the client for comments and suggestions before a final Questionnaire is prepared and submitted for final approval and use. Other Data Collection Methods In baseline surveys, no single method is sufficient enough on its own to gather all the relevant information and data. Our consultants shall use the TRIANGULATION method to collect additional survey data and information. These methods shall supplement the data collected using a standard questionnaire, and they shall include the following: Secondary data such as District l reports for target districts/divisions, District Reports from Ministry of Planning and National Development, Reports from local Authorities Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Face to face interviews with beneficiaries and key stakeholders Expert opinions from those tasked by government with implementation of women empowerment projects, Non government organizations working with women . Sampling Procedure, Sampling Frame AND Survey Design In order to correctly assess the impact of Women empowerment Programs , we shall follow sampling procedure presented below: Sampling Frame The sampling frame: The survey will be conducted in all the 47 Counties in Kenya Sampling Procedure Sampling Procedures used. , shall involve random sampling using simple random sampling procedures. Recruitment and Training of Enumerators and Field Supervisors The consultants shall collaborate with the client to recruit and train a number of field enumerators and supervisors for data collection from the target. At this stage, the minimum qualification requirements for the enumerators and their supervisors shall be discussed and adopted. For now, we propose a minimum of undergraduate degree level of education. The enumerators and the supervisors shall be thoroughly trained to administer the questionnaire throughout the field work. The questionnaire(s) shall be pre-tested and refined by the trained enumerators before going to the field. Data Collection The questionnaires and other data collection methods mentioned above shall be used to collect the relevant information/data from the staff within the sampled project PAs. The enumerators shall be grouped into teams and each team shall be assigned an experienced supervisor. Each supervisor shall work under a consultant who shall be responsible for monitoring the accuracy and reliability of data from the field. Appropriate number of enumerators and field supervisors shall be recruited and trained to ensure speed and timely collection of field data. Data Entry and Cleaning The instrument that shall be developed shall be as closed ended as possible. Data from the field shall be cleaned and all open ended questions shall be first coded. The data shall then be entered into computer using SPPSS and or MS Excel Platforms. The cleaned data shall then be ready for analysis. Data analysis and Report Writing The data shall be analyzed on SPSS and MS Excel platforms. The data will be reported in terms of charts and tables. Advanced statistical analyzes shall be done to determine any correlations and reliability of the data collected. The consultants shall then prepare and present to the client a Draft Baseline Survey Report for comments and suggestions. The comments and suggestions shall be incorporated in the Draft Report and a Draft Final Report shall be prepared by the consultant Stakeholders workshop The client shall organize a stakeholders’ workshop in an appropriate place to be identified jointly with the consultants. The consultants shall present the Draft final report for purposes of validation by the selected stakeholders. After this the comments and suggestions of the stakeholders shall be incorporated in the draft final report. Final Report After incorporating the stakeholders comment and suggestions, the consultants shall prepare and submit to the client a Final Report in required number of hard copies and soft copies in CD ROM in MS Word (and PDF) format. A graphical and iterative process model of our technical methodology is presented in the next page. This is followed by a presentation of our proposed Work Plan for undertaking the baseline survey assignment. WORK PLAN for the Baseline Survey Exercise Our Work Plan for the proposed Baseline Survey consultancy follows an activity based process. A summary of this process model would suffice here. ACTIVITY NO. 1. Preliminary activities: contract signing, resource mobilization, stakeholder briefings, communication and familiarization 2. Documents/Literature Review 3. Inception Report preparations and submission 4. Preparations and Pre-testing of Survey Instrument(s)/Questionnaire 5. Sampling activities 6. Recruitment and Training of field enumerators and supervisors 7. Field Data collection 8. Data cleaning, coding and entry 9. Data Analysis and Interpretations 10. Draft Report Preparations and submission to client for comments and suggestions 11. Preparation of Draft Final Report 12. Stakeholders Validations Workshop and incorporation of stakeholders comments/suggestions 13. Final Report preparation and submission to the client

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